Thursday, May 29, 2008



Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a brillant scientist in New York. A terrible virus ravaages the country, but Neville is immune to it. He is the last human survivor in New York, and maybe in the world. But ''The Infected'', infected mutant victims of the virus, are watching him. Can Neville develop a cure before it is too late? This scary thriller is for older teenagers.


Hayden is only18, but she has been working for 17 years! Hayden grew up in New York, USA. Her first jjob was in an advertisement for a toy train when she was just 11 months old. As a child, Hayden also played in two TV soap operas before starting a successful film career. She has often had sporty roles, and first played a cheerleader in the 2006 film Bring It On: All or Nothing.

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